
Why did you originally apply to do your chosen course at Birmingham?

I applied to this course at Birmingham because I enjoyed studying cryptography in my undergraduate degree and wanted to learn more about the fascinating world of encryption techniques, security issues and the way in which hackers can exploit real-world applications.

What do you think are the best points of your course?

The lecturers are stalwarts in their respective fields, with years of industry and teaching experience which makes their lectures exciting, and its easy to grasp the concepts. There is also a wide variety of optional modules on offer, and the mandatory modules consider all the practical and theoretical aspects that come to mind when you think of cyber security. And, even though we don’t hack systems like in the movies, we certainly learn how unrealistic those scene are!

What’s the best thing about studying at the University of Birmingham?

The best things about studying at the University of Birmingham are the social life, the splendid campus, the cosmopolitan student body, and most definitely the Old Joe clock tower! The academic and wellbeing support available is especially helpful for international students coming to the UK for the first time.

What’s your highlight of your time at the University?

The highlight of my time at Birmingham has undoubtedly been Welcome Week, I’ve never made so many new friends in one week before! It was also extremely helpful to get used to the University before diving into the academic side of things. I would highly encourage new students to attend as many of the Welcome Week events as they can (and grab the very useful freebies!).

What advice would you give to students thinking about studying on the course?

I would advise anyone thinking about studying the M.Sc. in Cyber Security that if you’re interested in security and cryptography, this is the course for you. The modules are hard, but also interesting and enjoyable.

Is there anything extra students thinking about studying on the course should know?

Having some basic mathematical and computer knowledge helps, even though it isn’t a mandatory requirement.