
Why did you originally apply to do your chosen course at Birmingham?

After completing my undergraduate degree in Materials Science I knew I wanted to go into engineering and wanted to do a master’s course to gain more experience. The MSc in Birmingham allowed me to stay in a university that I had already enjoyed, and to study a field that I have a passionate interest in.

What do you think are the best points of your course?

The modules are highly varied, so there’s something for everyone. Everyone in my cohort came from really varied academic backgrounds, so this was particularly good for making sure there was something everyone enjoyed and could excel in.

What’s the best thing about studying at the University of Birmingham?

Probably the campus – there’s so many great cafes and study spaces, and some great views if you go looking! I particularly enjoy sitting upstairs in the Bramall building, because it has a great view of Old Joe.

What’s your highlight of your time at the University?

I really enjoyed the cube satellite labs we did this year, they were a lot of fun and it was nice to get a bit more hands on. It was really exciting to get some experience handling an actual satellite!

What advice would you give to students thinking about studying on the course?

There’s really good lecturers and academics teaching on and running this course, and they’re all super happy to help, so make the most of those contacts!