
What are some of the best things about your Skills Bootcamp experience or your biggest achievements?

An understanding of coding, in particular javascript. A strong interest in web development. Despite not finding a job yet, I have continued building projects and doing courses.

Please provide details of any employers in the relevant field who have invited you for an interview after completing the Skills Bootcamp.

I’ve had interviews with the BBC and Cadent Gas.

Tell us about yourself and your journey to studying a Skills Bootcamp.

I have been working in hospitality for 10 years. I went back to university in 2021 (at university of birmingham), but dropped out because of problems with anxiety. I decided to try a web development bootcamp after some interest in coding.

Why did you choose to study a Skills Bootcamp at the University of Birmingham?

A friend who did the course recommended it to me. I was looking to switch careers.